Photobooth Rental Services 

< Muse Furniture Lab >  have launched a brand new Muse's signature trunk photobooth!

You will be definitely attracted by the shocking pink color of this giant trunk, decorated with fine studs and sewing techniques. On top of the machine there are light bulbs and metal made alphabets , simply gives an idea to the world what's the machine for. This eye-catching, high end and modern photobooth surely gives a perfect opening of your event!

Guests can bring in different creative pops to walk into this trunk. Inside the shiny trunk you can freely pose and we will record every precious moment of you and your beloved ones. We can also tailor made the frame and texts of your event, print out as a souvenir for your guests!

We adopt professional camera, high definition touch screen, quality photo paper, creative photo frame design and interesting pops. We will also provide assistants for guiding and helping out through the process. We make sure you and your guests could enjoy the atmosphere and fun photo taking with < Muse Furniture Lab > Photobooth!

《 Muse Furniture Lab 》以復古行李箱為主題的Photobooth終於面世啦!

遠遠看到這個巨型的行李箱感覺已經相當震撼,其色調還要用上令人一見傾心的Shocking Pink!配以金色窩釘鎖扣包角等等配件,外形閃耀悅目,感覺非常華麗而又玩味十足,機頂還有一組派對味道十足的復古燈泡造型金屬字體,上面寫著《PHOTOS》五個字母,簡單地向各界道明來意,瞬間已經令人陶醉於這個派對氛圍,一場精彩的派對盛事就在這裡展開序幕。


採用專業級像素鏡頭、輕觸式屏幕操作、優質的相紙、充滿話題的外形設計、各式得意趣怪道具,務求將呢個至潮玩意昇華到另一個層次!我地仲會安排專人在場提供操作協助和印相服務!讓你和賓客都能輕鬆自在咁享受箇中樂趣!派對上有《 Muse Furniture Lab 》Photo booth,勢必將歡樂氣氛推至極致高峰! 







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